Disclosed herein is a method for reducing chemical salts in hardened soil and also for improving water quality in irrigating water. The method comprises an electrolysis system in contact with soil for reducing chemical salts in soil. The system also can be used to supply ionized particles and metal ions in irrigating water for foliar feed. And it can stimulate crop’s growth, inhibit pathogenic diseases in crop’s surface, degrade chemical salts in soil, further loosen bound up soil, inhibiting algae, parasites and pathogens in crop field, and improve agriculture productivity.本發明提供減少硬化土壤中化學鹽的方法,亦可適用於灌溉用水的水質改善。該方法包括一種電解系統直接與土壤接觸,分離土壤內的化學鹽;或是經由該方法在灌溉水中釋放帶電離子和金屬離子,用以做為葉面噴灑,來促進農作物生長、抑制農作物上的病蟲害、分解土壤內的化學鹽、鬆散土塊、抑制土內的藻類、寄生蟲及有害菌,並提高農業生產力。10...農業工具12...金屬管14...耦合物16...金屬管18...總管20...電池組22...電線24...金屬套26...彈性材料28...尾蓋30...電線