1. Sieve (166) to the cleaner (146) combine (100) having a frame (10), wherein in the longitudinal direction of the sieve (12) are successively arranged several similar plates (12) extending transversely to the longitudinal direction and the direction of oscillation of the sieve ( 166), which are supported in the frame (10) pivotally about axes (20) of rotation extending transversely to the longitudinal direction of the sieve (166), respectively, at equal distances, and provided with commutation elements which respectively cooperate with respective comp nents permutation rod (18) and rearranged on the position relative to the frame (10) in the longitudinal direction of the sieve (166), so that by displacement of the permutation rod (18) in the longitudinal direction of the sieve (166) to be able to rearrange the corners of the plates (12) around their axes ( 20) rotate and thereby the distance between the rear ends of adjacent plates (12), characterized in that the components are arranged on the permutation rod (18) so that at least one plate (12) has a different angle than the other plate (12) .2. Sieve (166) according to claim 1, characterized in that the components are arranged on the permutation rod (18) so that the plates (12) in the front region of the sieve (166) are arranged more steeply and thus their longer rear ends remote from each other than in the rear region of the sieve (166) .3. Sieve (166) according to claim 2, characterized in that the angle plates (12) along the length of the sieve (166) gradually become more pologimi.4. Sieve (166) according to claim 3, characterized in that the angle plates (12) along the length of the sieve (166) become more linearly pologimi.5. Sieve (166) according to claim 2, characterized in that the angle plates (12) along the length of the sieve (166) is first taken away1. Решето (166) для очистительного устройства (146) комбайна (100), имеющее раму (10), в которой в продольном направлении решета (12) последовательно рас