FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: concha ectoprosthesis position is determined. A cut is made behind the ear, a skin flap is separated, the soft tissue above the periosteum is dissected and separated. A receptive bed to install screw interbone implants under ear ectoprotheses is formed. At that, using computed tomography, a virtual three-dimensional model of the hard and soft tissues of the head is obtained. In the soft tissues visualization mode concha area is selected from its healthy side and projected into the area of the defect. In the hard tissues visualization mode the position of the future ectoprosthesis and interbone implants axes direction. An intraoperative template is modeled by making a three-dimensional impression of bone structures in the area of intraosseous implants. Then, considering the implants axes direction, holes for formation of interbone implants receiving beds are modeled. During surgery, the separated skin flap is split by excision of subcutaneous adipose tissue and the bottom layer of the dermis, the soft tissue above the periosteum is dissected. Using a template, two points of intraosseous implant placement are marked, the periosteum is peeled off in the targeted areas, peeling diameter should be approximately equal to the intraosseous implant diameter, after which intraosseous implants are inserted.EFFECT: method allows to reduce the traumatic nature of surgical intervention, to increase the functional and aesthetic result of treatment.1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к челюстно-лицевой хирургии. Определяют положение эктопротеза ушной раковины. Выполняют разрез в заушной области, отслаивают кожный лоскут, иссекают мягкие ткани над надкостницей и ее отслаивают. Формируют воспринимающее ложе для установки внутрикостных винтовых имплантатов под ушные эктопротезы. При этом с помощью компьютерной томографии получают виртуальную трехмерную модель твердых и мягких тканей головы. В режиме визуализации мягких тканей выделяют область уш