There is disclosed a method of treating affected external or surfacetissue comprising the steps of providing a source of affected external orsurface tissue; generating a source of microwave energy; transmitting saidmicrowave energy into said affected external or surface tissues; exposingsaid affected external and surface tissues to said microwave energy toraise the local temperature to thereby ablate, remove, coagulate orotherwise alter said affected external and surface tissues. There is alsodisclosed an apparatus for the treatment of affected external and surfacetissues comprising a microwave energy source generator, a means totransmit said microwave energy into said affected external or surfacetissues, a means to control the exposure of said affected external andsurface tissues to said microwave energy to raise the local temperature tothereby ablate, remove, coagulate or otherwise alter said affected externaland surface tissues; and optionally a means to control the repetition ofsteps a) to d) multiple times until the ablation, removal, coagulation orotherwise alteration is complete, the period between each sequence ofsteps a) to d) being optionally cooled, and the location of said concentratedelectric field being varied.