A stent member (10) is retained on an introducer (38) by retention of an exposedstent ( 16) of the stent member to the introducer with trigger wires (44). The introducerhas a trigger wire catheter (40) and four trigger wires with each trigger wireextending in a loop from the trigger wire catheter. The stent member has a tubularbody (1 2) of a graft material and an exposed stent joined to and extending fromone end of the tubular body. The exposed stent is a self expanding Z stent with struts(20) and bends (22, 28, 30) between them. A pair of struts and a bend between definean apex a selected apex distance away from the tubular body. Adjacent apices ofthe exposed stent are different apex distances from the tubular body so that theystack under the trigger wires in an neat fashion. Distally extending barbs (26)on alternate struts of the exposed stent are spaced selected distances from thetubular body.