: Hey TECHNICAL: The fields picking the stones will grind to 9 seats after the erection of stone dust by a three-quarter of seats in the root The fields : Trying to solve problems: The fields there were many stones in damage to crops : Challenges of the Sudan: Made of stone, sprinkle with flour three quarters reotda The fields in Effect of devising: Since the new farming seats auto-quarter was conveniently: 기 술 분 야 :전답갈기 후 9 석발기로 돌을 골라 3 석분기로 석분하여 전답에 뿌리는 것:해결 하려는 과제:전답에 돌이 많아서 작물에 피해가 있었다:과제의 해결 수단:석분기로 돌을 가루로 만들어 전답에 뿌럿다:고안의 효과:새농법 석분기가 자동이므로 편리하였다