the present invention relates to the study of hemostatic and wound healing of an endemic plant urtica dioica.knowledge of the biological activities of this plant makes its use in pharmacologic therapeutic with most of the urticaceae, urtica dioica has several very interesting as therapeutic anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and stimulants.the present invention is the development of a preparation for skin care, natural treatment for scars.the phytochemical characterization in vitro of organic extracts of the plant, was used to select the hydro alcoholic extract and biological properties are interesting.a preparation with a solvent (glycerol) was tested in vivo in rats in which wounds were induced to the same mechanical area.these tests showed that the preparation of hemostatic and wound healing can be developed is an interesting and can be best compared to the result obtained by the product of any wound healingit is marketed. the safety of the preparation was confirmed by microbiological from toxicity, dermal, the hydro alcoholic extract of urtica dioica appears to have healing properties that can be exploited for human therapy.La présente invention porte sur létude du pouvoir hémostatique et cicatrisant dune plante endémique Urtica dioica. La connaissance des activités biologiques de cette plante facilite sa valorisation à léchelle pharmacologique/thérapeutique. Comme pour la plupart des Urticaceae, Urtica dioica présente plusieurs vertus thérapeutiques très intéressantes comme hémostatiques, antiinflammatoire, et fortifiantes. La présente invention sinscrit dans le cadre du développement dune préparation de soin naturel pour traiter les cicatrices cutanées. La caractérisation phytochimique in vitro des extraits organiques de cette plante, a permis de retenir lextrait hydro-alcoolique dont les propriétés biologiques savèrent intéressantes. Une préparation à laide dun solvant (glycérine) a été testée in vivo sur des rats sur lesquels des plaies mé