A system and method for providing a tempered fluid are disclosed. In oneaspect there is provided a decontamination apparatus comprising a fluid supplyinlet, a heat exchange assembly, a thermostatically controlled mixing valve, adecontamination fixture coupled to the mixed fluid outlet, a supportinterconnecting at least the heat exchange assembly, the mixing valve, and thedecontamination fixture to permit movement of the apparatus as a unit, and adiffuser coupled to the first inlet of the mixing valve. The diffuser includesa firstfluid conduit and at least a second fluid conduit, a majority of the firstfluidconduit being surrounded by the second fluid conduit, the first and secondconduits being coupled together to cause fluid to flow into the first conduit,passthrough the first conduit, and into fluid outside the first conduit and in thesecondconduit, fluid from the second conduit being provided to the first inlet.