The invention relates to agriculture and in particular to designs of greenhouses and its packaging technology and can be used for horticultural and garden plots for growing of various crops.Greenhouse comprises a covering canvas, in the transverse ducts which are installed carrier plastic or metal arch and lugs for fastening arcs to the soil wherein a covering web formed of synthetic ukryvnogo nonwoven fabric manufactured by the spunbond technology, wherein at the end faces greenhouse to cover its end faces is provided linefill covering material along the length of at least one length of the span between the transverse webs channels in which arc mounted with lugs.Transverse channels are formed by shifting to the place of the web formation and channel EEPROM or gluing or welding the sides shifted from each other. In the variant by transverse webs channel - a covering of synthetic material formed by sewing or gluing or welding to the longitudinal edges of the covering materials laths performed width covering material.Each plastic arc can be formed as a tube and as a rod and is provided with at least two clamps on the pipe covering material, made in the form of a half-ring with two elastic lateral clamps.Each transverse channel arcs in the plastic cover material is formed by diameter 5-30% larger diameter plastic pipe.At present, the author produced a pilot batch of greenhouses, which is transmitted by gardeners for testing. Preliminary test results - positive.Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству в частности к конструкциям парников и технологии его упаковки и может быть использовано на садовых и приусадебных участках для выращивания различных сельскохозяйственных культур.Парник, включает укрывное полотно, в поперечных каналах которого установлены несущие пластиковые или металлические дуги и наконечники для крепления дуг к почве при этом укрывное полотно выполнено из синтетического укрывного нетканого материала, изготовленного по технологии спанбонд, при этом