The present creation relates to a mobile information system for 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) comprising (1) a mobile-end system (2) a server-end system (3) an intermediary program server and (4) a data base system. This invention provides inquiring and getting reports of 12-lead electrocardiogram from a medical information system in hospitals through different mobile systems of smartphones, which contain the wireless internet service.本創作係關於一種12導程心電圖行動資訊系統,其中包含(1)一行動端裝置;(2)一中介程式伺服器;(3)一服務端裝置;及(4)一系統資料庫,其提供多種不同作業系統智慧型手機,透過手機具備的無線上網功能,查詢取得醫院醫療資訊系統之資料庫的12導程心電圖報告。