To be administered enterally supplement for parenteral nutrition or partial enteral / oral nutrition with critical sick, chronic patients and deficiency fed
To be administered enterally supplement - solution in order to maintain or restore the intestinal skin barrier of critical or chronically diseased as well as deficiency fed, which as a solution with a volume of up to 500 ml per day is administered, and which in each case based on a daily dose,a) glutamine in free form or as a dipeptide with alanine or with glycine or as a mixture of these dipeptides in an amount in the range from 15 to 70 g, wherein in the case of dipeptides the amount indicated to the weight proportion of the embers amine in the dipeptide based is,b) at least two antioxidants, which are selected from vitamin c, vitamin e, β - carotene, s - adenosylmethionine, cysteine, glutathione, taurine, selenium and zinc, andc) tributyrin in an amount of from 0,5 to 10 g, wherein the by means of the supplement - solution supplied energy content does not exceed 1674 kj / day.Det beskrives et enteralt administrert supplement til opprettholdelse eller gjenoppretting av den intestinale tarmbarriere hos kritisk eller kronisk syke samt underernærte. Som oppløsning inneholder supplementer, alt beregnet på en dagdose: a) glutamin og/eller glutaminforløpere i en mengde i området 15-70 g, b) minst to representanter fra gruppen av som antioksidanter virkende stoffer, og c) kortkjedede fettsyrer og/eller forløpere for kortkjedede fettsyrer i en mengde på 0,5-10 g.