An eye treatment system is configured for performing an ocular surgical procedureand includes an eye treatment probe (22), a treatment console (24) includinga controller (30), and an eye treatment cassette (26) for coupling the eye treatmentprobe (22) with the treatment console (24). The eye treatment probe is configuredto provide at least irrigation fluid to, and aspiration of fluid from, a subjecteye (E). The cassette comprises a cassette body, first and second arcuate ramps(46, 49), and a holding tank (43). The cassette (26) has an engagement axis (AE)along which elements of the cassette are configured to generally engage withmating elements of the treatment console. The cassette's first arcuateramp (46) is proximal a first fluidics channel (45) configured to form a firstvolumetric pump (41) upon engagement with the treatment console (24). Also thecassette's second arcuate ramp (49) is proximal a second fluidics channel(48) configured to form a second volumetric pump (42) upon engagement with thetreatment console. The cassette also includes a holding tank fluidly that iscoupled to the volumetric pumps (41, 42).