The present patent relates to an innovative process for obtaining and standardizing the famous Girol breed from the cross between the Dutch and Gir breeds, creating well-defined parameters to certify the units according to international standards and backed by the Ministry of agriculture and all national and regional associations of breeders of the whirling breed. The present invention is based on the crossing of the Dutch (hol) and gir (gir) races, through varying degrees of blood, from 1/4 hol + 3/4 gir to 7/8 hol + 1/8 gir. For the purpose of standardization, the mating direction seeks to fix the racial pattern in the blood grade of 5/8 hol + 3/8 gir and the animals coming from the mating between 5/8 individuals are considered as pure synthetic (ps) of the girolando breed. that is, the breed itself and, in order to obtain the definitive record of ps, it is necessary that the animal is not only a product of mating between animals 5/8 hol + 3/8 gir, but also has The primary requirement is a positive genetic evaluation for milk production obtained from their own performance or that of their parents.a presente patente de invenção refere-se a um inovador processo de obtenção e padronização da famosa raça girolando a partir do cruzamento entre as raças holandesa e gir, criando parâmetros bem definidos de forma a certificar as unidades segundo as normas internacionais e respaldados pelo ministério da agricultura e todas as associações nacionais e regionais de criadores da raça girolando. o presente invento é fundamentado no cruzamento das raças holandesa (hol) e gir (gir), passando por variados graus de sangue, desde 1/4 hol + 3/4 gir até 7/8 hol + 1/8 gir, sendo que para efeito de padronização, o direcionamento dos acasalamentos busca a fixação do padrão racial no grau de sangue de 5/8 hol + 3/8 gir e os animais advindos do acasalamento entre indivíduos 5/8 são considerados como puro sintético (ps) da raça girolando, ou seja, a raça propriamente dita e, ainda, para se