FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture. System of environmentally safe bio-intensive irrigated farming contains rows of U-shaped trays-boxes. Trays are laid under small slope. Trays-boxes are made of concrete with fillers made of tuff, quartz, flint, basalt. Trays are insulated from the soil by the waterproofing materials. To the U-shaped trays bottom layer of wood residues, layer of plant residues and layer of soil are laid. Into the laid layers earthworms, effective microorganisms and fungi spores are introduced. To the soil layer tuff, perlite and coconut substrate are also added. U-shaped trays-boxes are covered with V-shaped trays. V-shaped trays have ribs for the moisture condensation, holes for the moisture draining and the plants planting seedlings. V-shaped trays are connected to each other. V-shaped trays output is connected to the rainwater and atmospheric moisture collector. Rainwater and atmospheric moisture collector is connected to the pipeline inlet through the pump with gate valve and parallel to them gate. Of the pipeline outlet is connected to the V-shaped trays input through the valve and to U-shaped trays-boxes through the tap. Enabling improved soil fertility. Reduced irrigation water costs and losses.EFFECT: enabling the ecologically clean agricultural products cultivation.1 cl, 1 dwgИзобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства. Система экологически безопасного биоинтенсивного орошаемого земледелия содержит ряды П-образных лотков-коробов. Лотки уложены под малым уклоном. Лотки-коробы выполнены из бетона с наполнителями из туфа, кварца, кремня, базальта. Лотки изолированы от почвы гидроизолирующими материалами. На дно П-образных лотков уложен слой древесных остатков, слой из растительных остатков и слой почвы. В уложенные слои внесены дождевые черви, эффективные микроорганизмы и споры грибов. В слой почвы также внесены туф, перлит, кокосовый субстрат. П-образные лотки-коробы накрыты V-образными лотками. V-образные