Express bidet refers to objects hygiene equipment of health facilities and household appliances residents of homes connected to the system of hot and cold water supply, sewerage and power. A feature of the jet express bidet is the ability for the user to take hygienic cleaning the procedure without having to remove completely clothes, in the same way as it does when using the toilet, as well as spend all hygienic procedures, including obsushivaniya body parts washed comfortably, without the aid of hands. Express is equipped with a folding seat bidet. Bidet housing consists of two sections, one of which is a bath bidet. Bath is equipped with a shower nozzle upward jet. Nozzle operatively controlled by a lever mixer at a temperature and pressure of the jet by the user. The mixer is situated in the second section, in the control compartment. The compartment located between the knees of the user sitting bath. The mixer is interlocked with the pressure plunger, let down by the edge of a folding seat when in the lowered his condition. The plunger with a sudden, not planned user getting out off the nozzle seat. For Drain wet after the procedure parts inside the rear bath bidet hair dryer body is built, is fed through a hole in the wall of the bath from a nozzle by a seated users stream of heated air. dryer timer ensures cyclical its automatic operation. Push-button, located in the control compartment, accessible to the user through an opening in the jump seat, allows you to include a hairdryer and interrupt the cycle of his work, if necessary, ahead of schedule.Экспресс-биде относится к предметам гигиенического оборудования медицинских учреждений и бытового обихода жителей домов, подключенных к системам горячего и холодного водоснабжения, канализации и к электросети. Особенностью струйного экспресс-биде является возможность для пользователя принять гигиеническую процедуру подмывания, не снимая полностью белья, аналогично тому, как это происходит при пользовании унитазом, а