1. A method of diagnostic imaging comprising the steps of: receiving a CT projection data with high contrast obtained from the region (18) via Research laterally offset flat panel detector (30) is selected field of view (FOV), which includes one or more vessels with high contrast iiz CT projection data obtained 3D map generating attenuation correction (AC) of the selected FOV, and at least one of three-dimensional (3D) representation of the image of the vessel and at least one planar angiograms sosuda.2. . A method according to claim 1, wherein the step of generating three-dimensional (3D) representation of the image of the vessel includes the step of: filtering the received projection data CT, to highlight blood vessels and to remove background information in the selected FOV irekonstruiruyut 3D view FOV image from the filtered projection dannyh.3. . A method according to claim 2, wherein the step of generating three-dimensional (3D) image representations of the vessel further includes the step of: adjusting at least one of the filtered projection data and the reconstructed 3D representation of an image for dvizheniya.4. A method according to any one of claims. 1-3, wherein the reconstruction is performed using an iterative algorithm for reconstructing at least one of the ordering coefficient redundancy weighting factor and a small step obnovleniya.5. A method according to any one of claims. 1-4, wherein the step of generating at least one planar angiograms vessel includes the steps of: filtering the received projection data, allocate vessels to the selected FOV for each projection angle gene1. Способ диагностической визуализации, содержащий этапы, на которых:принимают проекционные данные CT с повышенной контрастностью, полученные из области (18) исследования с помощью смещенного вбок плоскопанельного детектора (30)выбирают поле обзора (FOV), которое включает в себя один или более сосудов с повышенной контрастностью ииз полученных проекционных данных CT генерируют