Seade ja meetod pehme bioloogilise koe mehaanilise pingeseisundi, elastsuse, dnaamilise jikuse, roomavuse ja mehaanilise pinge relaksatsiooniaega iseloomustavate parameetrite samaaegseks m??tmiseks reaalajas ning arvutiprogrammi produkt
A device and a method for simultaneous recording, in real time, parameters characterising the mechanical tension, elasticity, dynamical stiffness, creepability and mechanical stress of soft biological tissue are provided. By means of the myometer, a constant external pre-pressure is created, independently of the devices position, between the tissue and the testing end of the device. Next, the tissue is subjected to a short-term external dynamic influence. A mechanical change in the shape of the tissue and its mechanical response are registered as a graph of the tissues oscillations. For calculating the parameters, a time span on the graph is used which involves an oscillation period from the beginning to the end of the effect on the tissue plus its subsequent first 1.5 self-oscillation period. This enables recording and data-processing to be carried out simultaneously as well as statistically significant estimates to be made in real time.