A device for monitoring and correction of a functional condition of a human body on the basis of measurement of thresholds of temperature painful sensitivity (TPS) of acupuncture points (AP). The device includes a diagnostics and treatment module, a control and communication block and a server, connected by bi-directional data channels. The module includes a handle with an autonomous power unit and a means of reception/transmission. The module is supplied by an element of thermal influence on AP in the form of an infrared LED connected to a current generator, a radiation indicator, a switch, inputs/outputs and a microcontroller. The control and communication includes a mobile phone or a computer of the patient with a related function of data reception/transmission, display of the data and control of the module, by means of inputting of a resident program. The handle serves as the peripheral indicator of a condition and the device of influence with the low price for the patient, and all processing of the address individual information of each patient is assigned to the server.