Although Researchers have modelled in 3-D the fluid dynamics in a human stomach to gain insight of food digestion, they have not used it to address the factors that influence the dynamics of the entire Gastrointestinal Tract (Gl Tract). They have concentrated efforts into satisfying new trends in consumer preferences and attitudes toward food and to meet the demands in the functional food market (A). This research project will move away from satisfying the general consumer confidence in food preferences and attitudes toward food, and focus on predicting and monitoring the condition, behaviour and performance of the Gl Tract. Specific consideration of Enteral Nutritional (EN) needs for a wide range of categories of people will be assessed to facilitate Health Care Workers when administering these modes of feeding. These analyses will aim to eliminate gastric disturbance(s) or discomfort that may prompt individuals to pull out or dislodge these EN devices. The project will have specific emphasis on the state of the Gl Tract, during pre-feeding, feeding and post- feeding, from a bio-mechanical point of view. Analysis of gastro- mechanics will be carried out, substantiated with sound scientific evaluations to assist specialists and health professionals make beneficial decisions on the acceptable gastric tolerance levels of average healthy humans and people who require EN aids.Bien que les chercheurs aient modélisé en 3-D la dynamique des fluides dans l'estomac humain pour obtenir un aperçu de la digestion des aliments, ils n'ont pas utilisé cette modélisation pour s'intéresser aux facteurs qui influencent la dynamique de l'ensemble du tractus gastro-intestinal (tractus Gl). Ils ont concentré leurs efforts sur la satisfaction des nouvelles tendances en matière de préférences et de comportements alimentaires des consommateurs et sur la satisfaction des exigences du marché des aliments fonctionnels (A). Ce projet de recherche ne va plus chercher à satisfaire la confiance g