Vertical cultivation system i.e. table plant, has support that is provided in one piece, irrigation system and vegetable panel that is supported interchangeably by support, where irrigation system comprises container, pump, and drippers
The system has a vegetal panel that is supported by a single-piece support (1) in an interchangeable manner. The support comprises an irrigation system including a tank, a pump, a piping, drippers and a water gauge to supply water to plants carried by the panel. A horticultural lamp is integrated to the support. A fixing unit fixes the support to a vertical wall. The support comprises a vertical bottom provided with two legs that are inserted in two openings formed in the vegetal panel such that the panel is fixed to the support and locked on the legs by removable wedges.Système de culture végétal, vertical, d'un seul tenant. Décoration florale. Il est d'un seul bloc et est transportable. Il se suffit à lui-même et peut s'installer facilement sur un mur ou à même le sol. Grâce au système d'accrochage le panneau s'encastre facilement dans le support et se bloque par une clavette. Il suffit de retirer la (6) clavette pour sortir le (2) panneau du système pour le remplacer par un autre. Décoration florale, mur végétal, tableau végétal.