The utility model refers to medicine, to the division of neurology and neuropsychology, and can find application in neuro-rehabilitation departments of neurological and neurosurgical clinics in conducting classes to restore impaired spatial memory in patients with a neurological clinic with organic brain diseases of various etiologies.The utility model contains a square-shaped square box (1) made of plastic, with a side dimension of 120 to 220 mm, 10-20 mm in height, inside which a working plate (2) of metal 0.5 mm thick is rigidly fixed on the bottom surface -1 mm, the shape and size of which correspond to the shape and size of the bottom of the body (1), and a table is made on the front surface of the working plate (2) consisting of the same square cells (3) on which the magnet chips are placed part of the square cells (3) of the working plane Styles (2), located on two diagonals of the table, is made in a darker color than the other square cells (3), which have a light color.The declared useful model allows to carry out classes on restoration of the disturbed spatial memory by the method of memorizing the elements of the table with a wide contingent of patients of the neurological clinic, including patients with tremor of hands and violation of fine motor skills.An important value of the magnetic simulator lies in the fact that its use introduces an element of novelty into the process of restorative training with patients, turning them into a fascinating and interesting psychological training.Полезная модель относится к медицине, к разделу неврологии и нейропсихологии, и может найти применение в отделениях нейрореабилитации неврологических и нейрохирургических клиник при проведении занятий по восстановлению нарушенной пространственной памяти у больных неврологической клиники с органическими заболеваниями головного мозга различной этиологии.Полезная модель содержит выполненный из пластика квадратный корпус (1) коробчатой формы с размером стороны от 120 до 220 мм,