The micro- Chong Shou Intraoperative Soft Even Rod Clip of this Chong Zuo Department You Off mono- Seed, which are held, Dings Wei Installed and sets As mono- Seed and refer in particular to hold the positioning Li of Soft Even Rod Clip Chi Body by Ke Tight Mi Clip and act on Tong Time Yong Clip Chi Body Lock Gu Body Lock Tight and hold seat with Soft Cai Quality System Cheng Clip, Soft Even Rod Bao Nursing Qie Tou Over Soft Even Rod Pull systems this Body of each bone Nail are sufficiently provided, the extensive Complex scripts institute Should of vertebrae for increasing implantation bone Nail Hous has the work Move Bomb of Bend songs Huo Niu Turn, also the small Chong Injury Open Kou Mian Plot of Ke You Xiao Minus.本創作係有關一種微創手術軟性連桿夾持定位裝置,為一種特指藉由可緊密夾持軟性連桿之夾持體之定位,利用夾持體之鎖固體之鎖緊作用,同時以軟性材質製成之夾持座,充分提供軟性連桿之保護,且透過軟性連桿牽制各骨釘之本體,增加植入骨釘後之脊椎骨恢復原本所應具有彎曲或扭轉之活動彈性,亦可有效減小創傷之開口面積。