Provision of the method and conversion device of the invention relates arc motion. Relates to an apparatus and method is converted into a linear motion direction of the rotary motion generated in the rotation power generating means such as a motor, converts the circular motion which is further, and more particularly, A1 The present invention is rotating power generator eccentric cam B, which is linked with one side composed by such drive unit A is the (primary eccentric rotary motion) rotational motion from the power transmission means such as gear and pivot shaft transmits rotation power by being rotationally driven But, a connecting rod C of the secondary linear reciprocating motion is coupled to one side of the eccentric cam B, driving grooves h are connected to the connecting rod C by engaging means such as pins p, and h , whereas In carrying tertiary arcuate motion motion conversion member D of the upper and lower fixed to the hinge axis t the side, by D , it is configured that the arcuate motion by amplifying the rotational motion of the eccentric cam, the eccentric and finally After converting rotational motion to linear motion, and a method for converting a circular motion device that converts the circular motion which is amplified further. [Selection] Figure Figure 1【課題】円弧運動の変換装置及びその方法の提供。【解決手段】本発明はモーターなどの回転動力発生手段において発生する回転運動の方向を直線運動に変換し、これをさらに円弧運動に変換する装置及び方法に係り、さらに詳しくは、回転動力発生手段によって回転駆動されて回転動力を伝える回動軸及びギアなどの動力伝達手段から構成される駆動部Aなどによって一方の側と連動される偏心カムBが回転運動(1次偏心回転運動)をするが、前記偏心カムBの一方の側に連結されて2次直線往復動する連結ロッドCと、ピンpなどの係合手段により前記連結ロッドCと連結される駆動溝h、h’と、一方の側がヒンジ軸tに固定される上下の運動変換部材D、D’により3次円弧運動をするに当たって、偏心カムの回転運動を増幅して円弧運動をするように構成されて、最終的に偏心回転運動を直線運動に変換した後、さらに増幅された円弧運動に変換する円弧運動の変換装置及びその方法に関する。【選択図】図1