An inhaler device for inhalation of a medicament from a pierceable medicamentcapsule, which inhaler comprises a housing for receiving the medicamentcapsule;closure means moveable relative to the housing for closing the housing;piercing meansfor piercing the medicament capsule. Movement of the closure means relative tothehousing causes movement of the piercing means. The device further comprisesair inletand outlet defining an inhalation passage therebetween comprising one or morevents;and a holder for the medicament capsule, which holder comprises a chamber forreceiving the medicament capsule; and means for generating turbulence in afluid flowthrough the chamber such that the turbulent fluid flow causes vibration of themedicament capsule received by the chamber to assist in releasing medicamentcontained within the medicament capsule. The means for generating turbulenceextends substantially the entire length of the chamber to substantially thetop of thechamber.