An agricultural harvesting mechanism for an agricultural towing vehicle, which can be coupled to the rear of the towing vehicle and can be moved from the towing vehicle, wherein the mowing assembly (1) a first mowing unit (4), which, in a working position of the mower deck (1) at a first side of the towing vehicle with respect to the same transverse to the direction of travel, and a second mowing unit (5), which in the operative position of the mower deck (1) at a second side of the towing vehicle with respect to the same projects transversely with respect to the direction of travel, and wherein the mowing assembly units between the operative position and a transport position and can be displaced. The first mowing unit (4) and the second mowing unit (6) each comprise a in the working position the inner mowing assembly part unit (6, 7) and a in the working position the outer mowing assembly part unit (8, 9), wherein in the region of each mowing assembly unit (4, 5) the respective outer mowing assembly part unit (8, 9) in a defined pivoting direction (14, 17) about a first axis (10, 11) to the respective inner mowing assembly part unit (6, 7) as well as the outer and inner mowing assembly part unit (6, 8, 7, 9) jointly in the same pivoting direction (16, 15) about a second axis (12, 13) are displaceable.