The invention relates to an adjustable stomach band with a rigid back and achamber, arranged on the stoma side of the back, for control of stomaconstriction by means of introduction or removal of fluid from the chamber.According to the invention, such a stomach band with a preferably automaticsetting of the stoma constriction, depending on the food intake, is possible,whereby a second chamber is provided to the stoma side of the back, directlyconnected to, or cooperating with the first chamber, such that the control ofthestoma constriction is achieved by means of displacing the fluid between thechambers or between a reservoir and the stoma-constricting chamber. Anauto--regulation can be achieved, whereby a second chamber is embodied as asensorfor recording a pressure rise in the stomach and the control of the stomaconstriction is achieved depending on the recorded pressure by means ofdisplacement of the fluid from the chamber, or from the reservoir into thestoma--constricting chamber.