An intelligent pressure sore prevention, monitoring and management system, suitable for assisting a caregiver to take care of a patient, and comprising a server terminal, a wearable device suitable for the patient to wear, and at least one information linking the server terminal and the wearable Mobile device. The server includes a message module for sending a message that is suitable for prompting the caregiver's needs, the wearable device includes a turning sensor for generating plural motion data according to the patient's posture change, and a message A rollover monitoring module connected to the rollover sensor and used to send one of the motion data. The mobile device includes a prompt module for receiving and displaying the demand message, and a reporting module for sending a report message suitable for notifying the caregiver to complete the care and the action data to the server.一種智慧型壓瘡預防監測管理系統,適用於輔助一看護者照護一患者,並包含一伺服端、一適用於供該患者配戴的穿戴式裝置,及至少一資訊連接該伺服端與該穿戴式裝置的行動裝置。該伺服端包括一用以發送一適用於提示該看護者的需求訊息的訊息模組,該穿戴式裝置包括一用以根據該患者的姿勢變化產生複數動作資料的翻身感測器,及一資訊連接該翻身感測器並用以發送其中一動作資料的翻身監測模組。該行動裝置包括一用以接收並顯示該需求訊息的提示模組,及一用以發送一適用於通知該看護者完成照護的回報訊息與該動作資料至該伺服端的回報模組。