Sistema de bombeo para la recoleccion de paticulas solidas desde una balsa jaula de cultivo o lecho marino que comprende a)una manguera con al menos una seccion de tubo y un flotador integarl implementado en froma de anillo alrededdor de dicha seccion de tubo u b) una o mas camaras de gas/aire dispuestas en dicho flotador. uso
There is described a construction for a pumping system, wherein an end of a hose is directed downwardly to a bottom region for pumping up therefrom solid particles in a mixture of water with help of a pumping arrangement. The construction is distinguished in that the hose comprises at least a combination of a pipe section (42) with an integral float (40, 44) which are adapted to maintain the hose (20) substantially in an upright orientation in an ocean environment, wherein the float (40) is implemented in a ring-form manner around the pipe section (42), and comprises one or more gas/air- filled chambers (43) or a float element whose density is less than that of water, wherein the pipe section (42) is coupled/joined onto the hose (20) at a suitable height over the bottom region. According to the present invention, the construction can be used in connection with an aquaculture cage in an ocean environment for pumping up sinking food waste, faeces and dead marine organisms, especially fish or, in a general pumping apparatus and system for pumping up waste such as slime and similar from a seabed (dredging).SISTEMA DE BOMBEO PARA LA RECOLECCION DE PATICULAS SOLIDAS DESDE UNA BALSA JAULA DE CULTIVO O LECHO MARINO QUE COMPRENDE A)UNA MANGUERA CON AL MENOS UNA SECCION DE TUBO Y UN FLOTADOR INTEGRAL IMPLEMENTADO EN FORMA DE ANILLO ALREDEDDOR DE DICHA SECCION DE TUBO U B) UNA O MAS CAMARAS DE GAS/AIRE DISPUESTAS EN DICHO FLOTADOR. USO.