abstract the present invention relates to oral compositions for identifying plaque comprising a dental disclosing agent composition for revealing the presence of dental plaque in a person's mouth. the composition comprises a natural colorant derived from annatto seed and a colorant that stains plaque and when added to annatto seed extract results in a color having a wave length of 500nm to 580nm and. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- translation of abstract summary patent of invention: "composition for dental cleaning". These are oral plaque identifying compositions comprising a dental developing agent composition for revealing the presence of dental plaque in a person's mouth. The composition comprises a natural dye derived from annatto seed and a plaque-staining dye and, when added to the annatto seed extract, results in a color having a wavelength of 500 nm to 580 nm.abstract the present invention relates to oral compositions for identifying plaque comprising a dental disclosing agent composition for revealing the presence of dental plaque in a person's mouth. the composition comprises a natural colorant derived from annatto seed and a colorant that stains plaque and when added to annatto seed extract results in a color having a wave length of 500nm to 580nm and. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tradução do resumo resumo patente de invenção: "composição para limpeza dental". trata-se de composições orais para identificar placa que compreendem uma composição de agente de revelação dental para revelar a presença de placa dental na boca de uma pessoa. a compo-sição compreende um corante natural derivado de semente de urucum e um corante que mancha a placa e, quando adicionado ao extrato de semente de urucum, resulta em uma cor que tem um comprimento de onda de 500 nm a 580 nm.