Мартынов Владимир Леонидович (RU),Хайрдинов Артур Хасянович (RU)
Method bauginoplastiki comprising laparotomy, excretion ileocecal intestine into the wound, conducting intraoperative digital diagnostic failure bauginievoy flap, characterized in that the strand of the greater omentum is outputted to the wound, introducing through the thickness of its tissue straight needle required a needle through the lumen of which is carried a polypropylene thread, forming ligature, the packing tape, the tape is removed from the needle and the packing tape-ligature is performed behind the ascending colon and terminal ileum via the mesentery and 2-3 cm proximal to the ileocecal junction, the terminal ileum to 6-7 cm are fixed throughout nodal sero-muscular sutures for free tape ascending colon, and then using the "limiter meter" tool diameter measured ileum and blind at the level of formation of skeleton ring, determine the length of the skeleton ring circumferentially to the formula: L - length of the circumference of the frame ring formed around the ileum and colon, mm π - constant "pi", which is equal to 3.14 R - radius colon formed in the skeleton ring, mm r - the radius of the ileum in the skeleton ring formed mm, then the packing tape ligature-serosa laid on the front surface of the intestine sewn portions at 2-3 cm above the ileocecal junction, and under the control "limiter meter" tool form the skeleton ring of necessary length circle, then the ends of the ligature are sewn, the excess ends of the ligature is excised.Способ баугинопластики, включающий лапаротомию, выведение илеоцекального отдела кишечника в рану, проведение интраоперационной дигитальной диагностики недостаточности баугиниевой заслонки, отличающийся тем, что прядь большого сальника выводят в рану, внедряют через толщу ее ткани прямую иглу необходимой иглы, через просвет которой проводят полипропиленовую нить, формируя лигатурно-сальниковую ленту, извлекают иглу из ленты, а лигатурно-сальниковую ленту проводят позади восходящей ободочной кишки и через брыжейку подвздошной