The present invention relates to a therapeutic method which enables reprogramming immune system that causes autoimmunity in T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) and also the production of glucose responsive insulin secreting tissues by means of developing new' techniques in endocrine pancreatic engineering. In the invention, in the new' generation insuring synthesizing tissue production method, by means of using decellularization and 3D printing techniques in combination, which are two different fields of tissue engineering, a hybrid printing technique is developed, and thus a bioactive matrix production re-printed by using stem cells of extracellular matrix of the pancreas is carried out. Insulin producing beta cells are obtained by means of differentiation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells and insulin secreting endocrine pancreas-like functional tissue pice production is provided. In the present invention, first the autoimmune immune system, which attacks the insulin-producing β-cel!s in T1D, is suppressed as the therapeutic method for the treatment of T1D. After autoimmune attacks are prevented in individual with T1D, the insulin producing tissue piece created within the scope of the invention is transplanted to individuals with T1D as subcutaneous biochips. Therefore, the said endocrine pancreas-like tissue called as biochip secretes insulin in response to glucose in diabetic individuals, and can bring the blood sugar· to a healthy level.La présente invention concerne une méthode thérapeutique qui permet de reprogrammer le système immunitaire qui provoque l'auto-immunité dans le T1D (diabète de type 1) et également la production de tissus sécrétant de l'insuline sensible au glucose au moyen de la mise au point de nouvelles techniques en ingénierie pancréatique endocrine. Selon l'invention, dans le procédé de production de tissu de synthèse d'insuline de nouvelle génération, au moyen de l'utilisation de techniques d'impression 3D et de décellularisation en association, qui r