Gorelov Aleksej Ivanovich (RU),Горелов Алексей Иванович (RU),Kirgizova Oksana Yurevna (RU),Киргизова Оксана Юрьевна (RU),Portnyagin Evgenij Vladimirovich (RU),Портнягин Евгений Владимирович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, neurology, acupuncture, restorative and sports medicine and is used for treating acute lumboischialgia in sportsmen. At the first, third, fifth, seventh and ninth sessions, acupuncture is performed at points T14 da-zhuy, T4 min-men, T3 yao-yang-guan, V25 dah-chang-shu, UV30 huan-chao, V53 bao-huang, V40 wei-zhong, V60 kun-lun. After needles are palpated, trigger points are determined in back muscle area and pharmacopuncture is performed with Traumeel S preparation, which is introduced into trigger points by 0.2–0.3 ml per point. At the second session, acupuncture is performed in V25 points of dah-chang-shu, VB30 huan-chao, V60 kun-lun, acupuncture is performed in V25 da-chang-shu, V60 kun-lun at the fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth sessions. After needles are removed, pharmacupuncture is performed with Discus-compositum at T4 min-men, T3 yao-yang-guan or in area of inter-spines in area of projection of hernia. Drug 1.1 ml is added to each point. After reducing pain syndrome and performing acupuncture and pharmacopuncture, sessions are conducted on a robotic biomechanical diagnostic exercise complex with biological feedback CON-TREX TP-1000. Classes begin and end in CPM-mode at speed 30° per second. During the main training range of movements (ROM) 100°, from 10 to 90° in isokinetic ballistic mode at speeds of 45°, 60°, 90°, 120° per second. Trainings are performed every other day. After the session of passive exercises on the complex CON-TREX TP-1000 therapeutic therapy is performed individually for strengthening of spinal muscles, abdominal press with application of fitballs, power body bar, bossu hemispheres, power crossover Hoist HD 190-2. Therapeutic exercise is performed daily.EFFECT: method allows to quickly stop pain syndrome, reduce length of rehabilitation and return of sportsmen to full physical loads, form strong muscular corset, prolongs remission.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины,