Claim 1: a stabilized Composition of bacterial SPOREs.Comprising: (a) a Carrier (b) optionally one or more Sprouting and (c) a population of bacterial spores that have been treated with a sublethal Heat Treatment to 50 - 80 C for more than30 minutes,Continued Cooling to less than 30 where the population of bacterial SPOREs exhibited Enhanced germination after 24 hours compared with a population of bacterial SPOREs, untreatedOtherwise identical.Claim 9: a method to provide Vegetative bacterial cells in a population of bacterial spores in the Gut of an aquatic animal,That includes the food with the composition of the aquatic animal feed of aquatic animal of claim 8.Claim 14: a method for the preparation of a stabilized Composition of bacterial SPOREs.It comprises the steps of: (a) the treatment of a population of bacterial SPOREs with a sublethal Heat Treatment to 50 - 80 C for 30 minutes.Continued Cooling to less than 30 (b) The Mixing of the population of bacterial SPOREs with a Carrier, and, Optionally,One or more Sprouting and (c) the storage of bacterial Spore population for at least 24 hours before or after the step (b), where the population of bacterial SPOREs is mMicrometric system that guarantees you precision closure germination after 24 hours compared with a population of bacterial spores that received no Treatment (a).Reivindicación 1: Una composición de esporas bacterianas estabilizada, que comprende: (a) un portador (b) opcionalmente uno o más germinantes y (c) una población de esporas bacterianas que ha sido tratada con un tratamiento térmico subletal a 50 - 80ºC durante más de 30 minutos, seguido del enfriamiento a menos de 30ºC donde la población de esporas bacterianas exhibe mejorada germinación después de 24 horas en comparación con una población de esporas bacterianas no tratada, de otro modo idéntica. Reivindicación 9: Un método para proporcionar células bacterianas vegetativas de una población de esporas bacterianas en el intestino de un animal a