Branca Fraga de Resende Chaves,Luciana Silva Colepicolo,Maria Auxiliadora Mourão Martinez
multi-pillar system, trigeminated, calcinable twinned over osseointegrated implants and guide guides. It is a system of multiple and semi-intermediate intermediate abutments that allows the placement of three prosthetic crowns in a single implant and three or four in two osseointegrated implants. It also presents surgical and trans-surgical guide guides, with the same dimensions as the pillars of this system, to guide the rehabilitation of partially or totally edentulous areas, in addition to the fully or partially calcinable twinned pillar. The pillars of this system are preparable and can also be machined, polished, prefabricated or calcinable, non-restrictive. they can receive any type of surface treatment and are adaptable to all implant / abutment fitting connections. The biomechanical possibilities of the invention provide stability, greater accuracy of adaptation and better stress distribution, a key advantage for the use of the immediate load. This invention proposes superior pillar strength, lasting aesthetics and reduced clinical time, ensuring predictability of results. Therefore, with broad and immediate application in the field of implantology, the present invention justifies its protection by its innovative character and of great contribution to the technological development in the medical and dental sectors, since this invention also lends itself to the other medical areas.sistema de pilares múltiplos, trigeminados, geminados calcináveis sobre implantes osseointegrados e guias direcionadores. trata-se de um sistema de pilares intermediários múltiplos e trigeminados que possibilita a colocação de três coroas protéticas em um único implante e três ou quatro em dois implantes osseointegrados. apresenta, também, guias direcionadores cirúrgicos e trans-cirúrgicos, com as mesmas dimensões dos pilares deste sistema, para orientação da reabilitação de áreas parcial ou totalmente edêntulas, além do pilar geminado total ou parcialmente calcinável. os pilares de