An automated method for determining a dyskinetic state of a person, the method comprising: obtaining a time series of data from an accelerometer worn on an extremity of the person, over an extended period of time during daily activities of the person to filter bandpass accelerometer data to extract filtered data of a band of interest, in which the band of interest has a lower cutoff frequency chosen to remove the DC component and a higher switching frequency that is chosen to remove higher frequency components, which generally are not normal human movement extracting one or more sets of acceleration data of the time series of the acceleration data each set being a time duration which is chosen small enough that relatively regular measures of dyskinesia is determined, whilst being long enough to provide a reasonable likelihood that a significant movement of the person occurs during that whole compare accelerometer data to a threshold value determining a ratio of time during which the accelerometer data remains below the threshold value, wherein the ratio determined time is representative of a time of reduced movement (TRM) and process the filtered data and said time ratio (TRM) determined, to determine a measure of dyskinetic state.Un método automatizado para la determinación de un estado discinético de una persona, comprendiendo el método: obtener una serie temporal de datos de un acelerómetro que se lleva en una extremidad de la persona, a lo largo de un período de tiempo prolongado durante las actividades diarias de la persona hacer un filtrado pasa-banda de los datos del acelerómetro para extraer los datos filtrados de una banda de interés, en el que la banda de interés tiene una frecuencia de corte inferior elegida para eliminar la componente continua y una frecuencia de corte superior que es elegida para eliminar las componentes de frecuencia superiores, las cuales, en general, no resultan de movimientos humanos normales extraer uno o más conjuntos de datos de