Referring to a formulation comprising parasiticide substances such as cyhalothrin Lambda cyhalothrin or pyrethroids and carbamates such as propoxur, in Concentrations of 0.1% to 15%. The formulation also includes Solvents such as toluene, xylene, triacetin, ethanol, Propylene Glycol, mineral oil, among others and an antiseptic and Antifungal ingredient such as gentian violet.This formulation is useful in the treatment of myiasis (screwworm) caused by larvae of Diptera insects such as Fly New spp., herds Cattle, Pigs, Horses, Goats, among othersREFERIDA A UNA FORMULACION PARASITICIDA QUE COMPRENDE SUSTANCIAS PIRETROIDES TALES COMO CIALOTRINA O LAMBDA CIALOTRINA Y CARBAMATOS TALES COMO PROPOXUR, EN CONCENTRACIONES DE 0,1% A 15%. LA FORMULACION TAMBIEN COMPRENDE SOLVENTES TALES COMO TOLUENO, XILOL, TRIACETINA, PROPILENOGLICOL, ETANOL, ACEITE MINERAL, ENTRE OTROS Y UN INGREDIENTE ANTISEPTICO Y ANTIMICOTICO TAL COMO LA VIOLETA DE GENCIANA. DICHA FORMULACION ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA MIASIS (BICHERA) CAUSADA POR LARVAS DE INSECTOS DIPTEROS TAL COMO LA MOSCA COCHLIOMYIA SPP, EN REBANOS BOVINO, PORCINO, EQUINO, CAPRINO, ENTRE OTROS