The invention of the method of processing and preparing ZOOM HERBALCHOORNAM to increase sexual power is a result of prolonged research from texts like Bhavprakash etc. and other traditional ayurvedic principles. This is a pure herbal preparation to increase the full length and thickness of the male organ and give full satisfaction during copulation. The ingredients are pure natural herbs and cures depression. They are particularly excellent in nervousness, and to reproductive organs and respiratory system. It produces heat and nourishes and regulates the properties of the ingredients to speed up the metabolism and tone up the Nuero Muscular system and has the power of the substitute ingredients supporting Kaunch Beej, Ashwagandha, shathaveli, gokshru and Mulanthi. This invention of the method of processing and preparing herbal oil cures stress, depression, side effects of medications, chronic illness, heavy smoking and alcohol intake. This Choornam (Powder) is specially meant for those suffering from impotency due to diabetes and other ailments. (1) Zoom raise functions rapidly (2) Wards off fatigue, anxiety, stress etc. (3) Rejuvenates immune system. (4) Increases memory faculty and mental activity. (5) Enhances vitality and vigour.