Королович Владимир Феликсович (RU),Селифонов Антон Викторович (RU),Сучков Сергей Германович (RU),Булавин Леонид Анатольевич Леонид Анатольевич (UA),Мокроусов Максим Дмитриевич (RU),Горин Дмитрий Алекс
abstractthe application for a utility modelBOX for ultrasound analysis MICROSCOPICThe invention relates to an ultrasonic technique and in particular to a device for ultrasound microobjects in a liquid and can be used in medicine, biology and nanotechnology, for studying influence of ultrasound on microscopic objects (e.g., polyelectrolyte microcapsules or microparticles based on alginate) in the liquid for given values of temperature and power flux density of ultrasound. The technical result is to increase the reliability of received data on the effect of ultrasound on microobjects and expansion of both functionality and applications of the cell due to the possibility of control of ultrasound power flux density and the temperature control fluid from microobjects (ability to conduct studies not only at room temperature but also at certain temperature, e.g., at a temperature of the human body, which is especially important in the investigation of processes related to medicine Does biology). Ultrasonic cell containing a bath of an optically transparent bottom and piezoacoustic emitter pursuant to decision comprises a second piezoacoustic emitter and two piezoacoustic receiver, the emitters form two adjacent perpendicular tub wall and the receivers form two opposite adjacent tub wall, the cell comprises a radiator in the form of rectangular metal plates with a hole at a central portion attached to the bath bottom, two Peltier element attached to the radiator, and temperature sensor, range whelping bath.Рефератк заявке на полезную модельЯЧЕЙКА ДЛЯ УЛЬТРАЗВУКОВЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ МИКРООБЪЕКТОВПолезная модель относится к ультразвуковой технике, в частности к устройствам для ультразвуковых исследований микрообъектов в жидкости и может найти применение в медицине, биологии и нанотехнологиях, для исследования влияния ультразвука на микрообъекты (например, полиэлектролитные микрокапсулы или микрочастицы на основе альгината) в жидкости при заданных значениях температуры и плотнос