A bone anchoring device is provided which has a shaft (2) for anchoring in a bone and a head (4), the shaft including a first section (5) comprising a plurality of barb elements (6), the barb elements being elastically deformable relative to the body of the shaft, and a second section (7) comprising a bone thread for engagement with the bone. The first section (5) is located near the tip of the shaft and allows insertion by pushing whereas the second section provides enhanced resistance against pull-out.(Fig. 5)本案提供一種骨骼固定裝置,具有固定於骨骼內用之軸部(2),和頭部(4),軸部包含第一段(5),包括複數倒鉤元件(6),倒鉤可相對於軸部本體彈性變形;和第二段(7),包括骨骼螺紋,可與骨骼結合。第一段(5)位於接近軸部尖端,可藉推力插入,而第二段提供增進對抗拉出之抵抗力。1...骨骼固定裝置3...軸部尖端4...頭部5...第一段6...倒鉤元件7...第二段13...內螺釘15...內椎骨體16...梗部區17...芯孔100...桿