Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Novokuznetskij nauchno-prakticheskij tsentr mediko-sotsialnyj ekspertizy i reabilitatsii invalidov" Ministerstva truda i sotsialnoj zashchity Rossi
Konovalova Nina Gennadevna (RU),Коновалова Нина Геннадьевна (RU),Lyakhovetskaya Vera Vitalevna (RU),Ляховецкая Вера Витальевна (RU),Dedikova Tatyana Nikolaevna (RU),Дедикова Татьяна Николаевна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to restorative medicine, physiotherapy and can be used for restorative treatment of patients with spinal pathology and spinal cord at cervical level to form support function of upper extremities. That is ensured by exposing the patient in the position lying on the support, with the palm resting in the floor. In the patient's position lying on the bed, on the abdomen, to the level of the costal arch, pelvic girdle and legs of the patient are located on the bed, hands are straightened in ulnar and bent at right angle in shoulder joints, resting with brushes with straightened fingers in the floor. Pulsed low-frequency therapy is performed from Olimp-M electric stimulator through two channels. Electrodes in form of metal plates with size of 1×1.5 cm is applied on cotton cloths moistened with water above gaskets, electrodes are placed symmetrically on the right and on the left on the attachment area of deltoid muscles and in the area of attachment of lower portions of trapezoid muscles. Exponential bipolar radio pulses of duration 2.5 ms, frequency 50 Hz are applied to the electrodes, the current intensity is selected to obtain a visible contraction of the stimulated muscles of the right and left sides of the body. With the obtained current, the "send-pause" operation mode is set, the sending length is 5 s, and pause – 10 s. During first 2 sessions during the "send-pause" mode, the patient analyzes the sensations in the stimulated muscles of the body. At subsequent sessions simultaneously with electric current supply during the "sending" period, the patient strains stimulated muscles: presses hands on the floor, opens the shoulder girders, lowers the blades, supports the abdomen, after the electric current termination in the "pause" period, the patient relaxes the muscles. Course consists of 8 sessions of 10 minutes each.EFFECT: method provides effective treatment of patients with consequences of cervical sp