The cannulated titanium implant (screw) for correction of flat feet in children characterized by that: a) the diameter of the stem is D=4.8 mm±25%, recommended 4.8 mm±10%, and especially recommended 4.8 mm, b) it is cannulated, whose diameter is C=2 mm+25%, recommended 2 mm±10%, and especially recommended 2 mm, c) the screw-thread height is 1.15 mm±25%, recommended 1/15 mm±10%, and especially recommended 1.15 mm, d) on the point of the screw, which ends at the angle of 90°, on the apex thread are trisect cuts at the angle of 120°. The edges of the apex thread are cut at the angle of 55°. At the very top of the point of the screw, the trisect cuts of the apex thread go inward the tunnel in the length of the screw by 1.5 mm, e) this type of the point replaces the use of the drill and the tapping device.