The present invention relates to a method for preventing the retrogradation of rice cakes and breads by using a seasoned ann. According to the present invention, red beans, common beans or green peas, as starting materials, are immersed, steamed and ground to produce an ann, and a wet ann is produced by replacing the water in the ann then dewatering the ann. Sugars, salt, water or additives are added to the wet ann, and concentrated and sterilized to produce a seasoned ann, and the seasoned ann is used to prevent the retrogradation of rice cakes and breads. The seasoned ann can be mixed with rice powder and additives and be made into rice cakes to prevent retrogradation of the rice cakes, or mixed with a bread dough and additives and made into breads to prevent retrogradation of the breads. Accordingly, the seasoned ann of the present invention has the effect of preventing the retrogradation of rice cakes and breads.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 조림앙금을 사용하여 빵이나 떡의 노화를 방지하는 데 있다. 원료콩인 팥, 강낭콩 혹은 완두를 침지하여 증숙하고 으깨기 한 후, 얻은 앙금을 물갈이하여 탈수한 다음, 물앙금을 만든다. 상기의 물앙금에 당류, 소금, 물 또는 부재료를 첨가하고 농축 및 살균하여 조림앙금을 만든 후, 떡과 빵의 노화방지에 사용한다. 상기의 조림앙금에 쌀가루와 부재료를 섞고 증숙하여 떡을 만들어 노화를 방지하거나, 상기의 조림앙금에 빵반죽과 부재료를 섞어 구워서 만든 빵의 노화 방지에 사용된다.본 발명의 조림앙금은 떡과 빵의 노화방지에 아주 좋은 효과를 제공한다.