This invention relates to medicine, more particularly, to neurosurgery, and provides a method for treating brain meningiomas with expressed vascularity, which comprises performing selective cerebral angiography, analyzing the tumor angioarchitecture and identifying the vessel or vessels supplying nutrition to the tumor, followed by endovascular embolization of tumor vascular network. The method is further characterized in that a microcatheter is introduced superselectively into the identified vessel, 5 ml of water-soluble nonionic contrast agent is drawn into a syringe and injected into a vial with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) having particle size of 180-300 microns, 300-500 microns or 500-700 microns which are selected depending on the diameter of blood vessels to be embolized, the vial is then shaken to form a suspension, 10 minute exposure time is allowed, and prior to embolization, the direction of fluid flow from the tip of the microcatheter is determined by performing a trial angiogram wherein the PVA suspension is sequentially filled into microcatheter and slowly injected into the vessel while observing the process on the monitor: in case of occurrence of the suspension reflux into a non-target area, the particle injection is stopped, and, if necessary, the tip of the microcatheter is reinstalled; given visual reduction of blood flow velocity to 1-2 cm per second and once the occlusion takes place, dozes of Gelaspon hemostatic gelatin sponge are introduced, wherefore 5 ml of saline solution and 5 ml of water soluble nonionic contrast agent are added in aseptic conditions to the vial containing the Gelaspon hemostatic gelatin sponge particles of chosen diameter, allowing the exposure time of 5-10 min., whereafter the mixture is administered into the previously identified vessels until the blood circulation slows down in the pool from which the tumor obtains nutrition, and the effect of the method is evaluated based on reference angiograms.Изобретение относится к