federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Natsionalnyj meditsinskij issledovatelskij tsentr akusherstva; ginekologii i perinatologii imeni akademika V.I. Kulakova" Ministerstva zdravookhran
Makiyan Zograb Nikolaevich (RU),Макиян Зограб Николаевич (RU),Bychenko Vladimir Gennadevich (RU),Быченко Владимир Геннадьевич (RU),Pavlovich Stanislav Vladislavovich (RU),Павлович Станислав Владиславо
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to methods for determination of perfusion blood flow in a scar area after cesarean section. Method of functional magnetic resonance tomography for determining perfusion blood flow in a scar area after a caesarean section is proposed, characterized by the fact that perfusion blood flow is determined in a scar area after a caesarean section using a paramagnetic contrast agent (gadodiamide, gadotenic acid, gadobutrol), representing graphic images and color mapping based on results of dynamic scanning in pulse sequence TWIST, time for obtaining one series of images 3 sec, number of series – 100, on software MeanCurve of SyngoVia workstation, which enable to evaluate microcirculation and tissue perfusion in myometrium and in postoperative cicatrix. A standard perfusion bloodstream normal to myometrium is normally detected, and the presence of defects of scar tissue filling and thinning of less than 3 mm can be considered as signs of scar inconsistency. In the presence of adequate blood supply of the myometrium, the process of myometrium regeneration is considered to be complete.EFFECT: functional magnetic resonance examination with contrasting enables detecting, as well as evaluating perfusion blood flow in myometrium and postoperative cicatrix, that can be used as criterion of assessing consistency of uterus cicatrix after previous Cesarean section and necessity of metaplasty in occasion of uterus scar inconsistency.1 cl, 4 dwg, 1 tbl, 1 exИзобретение относится к методам определения перфузионного кровотока в области рубца после кесарева сечения. Предложен метод функциональной магнитно-резонансной томографии для определения перфузионного кровотока в области рубца после кесарева сечения, отличающийся тем, что определяют перфузионный кровоток в области рубца после кесарева сечения с использованием парамагнитного контрастного средства (гадодиамид, гадотеровая кислота, гадобутрол), представляют графические изображения и цветное кар