Support element for use in e.g. medical equipment for supporting and storing patient, has attachment element whose outermost surface exhibits specific initial adhesive force on contoured surface of holding element
Eine medizinische Vorrichtung zur Lagerung von Patienten umfasst ein oder mehrere gepolsterte, inhärent haftfähige Lagerungselemente, die ohne Klebemittel auf Halteelementen der Vorrichtung lösbar befestigt sind, wobei die Halteelemente eine im Wesentlichen glatte Oberfläche aufweisen.The element (1) has a cushion (3), and a planar attachment element (4) for releasably supporting the support element on a holding element (7) of a medical equipment. An outermost surface (4C) of the attachment element is supported on the holding element, where initial adhesive force between the outermost surface of the attachment element and a flat or three-dimensional contoured surface of the holding element, which contacts the outermost surface of the attachment element, is larger than 10 N/m. The contoured surface has an averaged rough depth less than 40 micrometer. The cushion is filled with gas, liquid, gel, foam, non-woven fabric or granules. The holding element is made of polymeric material, composite material such as carbon fiber composite material, glass, sinter material, or metallic material such as steel. An independent claim is also included for a medical equipment.