Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ООО "Приморснастьсервис" (RU)
Мизюркин Михаил Алексеевич (RU),Новичков Николай Дмитриевич (RU),Скрипник Борис Борисович (RU)
Templet for manufacturing netting plate to traps for catching the scaffold crustaceans and molluscs, characterized in that it is made from the shape and size of the carcass trap at etomgorizontalny size curves are determined according vyrazheniyugde L - horizontal size patterns, D- inner diameter of the lower ring of the trap, U- boarding coefficient netting trap plate on the lower frame ring, n - number of meshes, taking in the seam during the formation of net stocking, a - step mesh, which is made of netting vertical time action patterns is given by: B = (B + 2n * a) + B + B + (Β + 2n * a) where B - vertical size lekala.V- height patterns forming the lower base of the trap, the height B between the curves lower and middle rings carcass B- height curves forming netting trough B- height curves forming the upper base of the trap, the B (height of patterns forming the lower base trap) was determined according formuleB (height curves between the lower and middle carcass rings) formulegde- determined by the size of the stiffeners located between the lower and middle skeleton rings, U- sedimentary coefficient netting plate on the second ring frame B (height curves forming netting trough) - is determined by the size formulegde- stiffeners disposed between the middle frame and the upper ring, - the height of the inlet, H - depth of net chute, D- internal size the average diameter of the ring frame, - the inner diameter of the carcass passing through the middle between the upper and middle skeleton rings, - a horizontal resolution patterns without meshes, taking in the seam, B (height of the patterns forming the upper base trap) - determinedЛекало для изготовления сетной пластины к ловушкам с каркасом для лова ракообразных и моллюсков, характеризующееся тем, что его изготавливают исходя из формы и размера каркаса ловушки, при этомгоризонтальный размер лекала определяют согласно выражениюL=πD1UD1+2 n*a,где L - горизонтальный размер лекала,D1 - внутренний диаметр нижнего коль