1. A method for breeding beef cattle in the mountains, including the maximum use of pasture breeding stock and Loose his detention trójścienna canopy selection (selection) and repair, the absorption cross-breeding in the paddock with a split for zoovetmeropriyaty, touring the hotel, getting calves and keeping them on suckling up to 6-8 months of age, characterized in that the breeding stock is taken and formed from a healthy animal live weight on average 290-300 kg, bred in mountain areas, regardless of pedigree accessory, krovnosti and origin and keep them in a pasture trójścienna and under a canopy, convertible, in extreme weather conditions, in a closed room, after reaching 70% of the heifers live weight of mature cows spend the absorption cross-breeding, artificial seeding of deep frozen semen or mating using manual machines in the paddock using bulls aberdin- Angus large type, for which two-sided corral trough with naholnymi bars are divided into two different-sized sections, less of which produce samovyborku queens in a state of sexual libido, and before feeding trough mounted machines manual mating or artificial insemination, and more contain byka- the manufacturer, the bull run through extreme split between the machine and a small section of one wall bolshey.2. Paddock including split for zoovetmeropriyaty, characterized in that samovyborki queens in a state of sexual libido, it is divided two-sided trough with naholnymi beams into two different-sized sections, the largest of the cat1. Способ разведения мясного скота в горных условиях, включающий максимальное использование пастбищ маточным поголовьем и беспривязное его содержание под трехстенным навесом, селекцию (отбор) и ремонт, поглотительное скрещивание в загоне с расколом для проведения зооветмероприятий, туровые отелы, получение телят и содержание их на подсосе до 6-8-месячного возраста, отличающийся тем, что маточное поголовье отбирают и формируют из здоровых животных живой массой, в среднем, 290-300