< Topic >You suppress chill the tarsus and the Achilles Corp Ken, by insulating the earth not stepping on effectively, you maintain sleep which is in the midst of going to bed comfortably, in addition result assure at the solid looking and neuralgia prevention of the trail, you offer the foot insulative tool which can suppress the gap which is generated by the movement which is in the midst of installing.SolutionsYou install in the foot, earth not stepping on canning section in the destal of 11 and the above-mentioned earth not stepping on canning section the foot insulative tool 10 which has with the Achilles tendon canning section 13 which run facilities is done you are in the tarsal canning section 12 which run facilities is done, and the above-mentioned tarsal canning section run facilities you are done in the computer cloth section 18 which possesses the elasticity which forms foot insulative tool itself 17 and the above-mentioned itself cloth section you possess the insulative section 22 where thickness size is formed rectangle more largely than the above-mentioned itself cloth section canning the earth not stepping on, the tarsal surface and the Achilles tendon.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】足首やアキレス健、土踏まずを有効に保温することにより冷えを抑制し、就寝中の眠りを快適に保ち、また結果的に脚のむくみや神経痛の予防を図り、装着中の動きによって発生するずれを抑制できる足保温具を提供する。【解決手段】足に装着し、土踏まず被覆部11と、上記土踏まず被覆部の端部に連設された足首被覆部12と、上記足首被覆部に連設されたアキレス腱被覆部13とを備えた足保温具10であって、足保温具本体17を構成する伸縮性を有する本体生地部18と、上記本体生地部に連設され、土踏まず、足首表面部及びアキレス腱部を被覆する上記本体生地部よりも厚さ寸法が大きく形成された保温部22を有する。【選択図】図1