Metal nanoparticle associated with chitosan or BPEI, RNAi, and Raman dye, and methods of analysing efficiency of its transfection into cell and identifying location of it in cell by using it
PURPOSE: A method for measuring RNA interference delivery efficiency and position using RNAi, and chitosan, or BPEI metal nanoparticle complex is provided to treat lung cancer. CONSTITUTION: A method for measuring delivery efficiency of delivery drug-captured metal nano complex comprises: a step of contacting the metal nanoparticle complex to cells; a step of measuring the cell by z-depth dependent confocal SERS(surface enhanced raman scattering) after predetermined time; and a step of comparing the absorption of the intracellular metal nanoparticles with a control group to measure delivery efficiency.본 발명은 RNAi, 키토산 또는 BPEI 금속 나노입자 복합체, 및 이를 이용한 RNA 간섭(RNA interference) 전달 효율 및 위치 측정방법에 관한 것으로서, 특히 라만 분광법 및 암시야 현미경을 이용하여 RNA 세포내 분포를 이미징 기술을 이용하여 RNA 간섭 전달 효율 및 위치를 측정하는 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 RNAi, 라만 염료, 키토산 또는 BPEI 금속 나노입자 복합체은 폐암의 치료에 유효하다.