1. Salts of ACE inhibitors with N, N'-dibenzylethylenediamine (benzathine) of the general formula: where ACE is an ACE inhibitor molecule, and these salts exist in amorphous and crystalline forms. 2. Perindopril benzatin salt in crystalline polymorphic form A with the following X-ray powder diffraction pattern: 3. Perindopril benzatin salt in crystalline polymorphic form B with the following x-ray powder diffraction pattern: 4. Perindopril benzatin salt in amorphous form. 5. Fosinopril benzatin salt in crystalline form with the following X-ray powder diffraction pattern: 6. Enalapril benzatin salt in crystalline form with the following x-ray powder diffraction pattern: 7. Ramipril benzatin salt in crystalline form with the following X-ray powder diffraction pattern: 8. Cilazapril benzatin salt in crystalline form with the following X-ray powder diffraction pattern: 9. A method for producing benzatine salts of ACE inhibitors of the general formula: by the interaction of two moles of ACE inhibitors with one mole of N, N'-dibenzylethylenediamine. 10. The method of producing benzathine salts in crystalline form according to claim 9, characterized in that during crystallization, water or an organic solvent selected from the group consisting of esters, lower alcohols, ketones, nitriles or ethers, preferably ethyl acetate, acetone, is used as a solvent. , ethanol, acetonitrile and methyl tert-butyl ether. 11. The method for producing the benzathine salts of ACE inhibitors in amorphous form according to claim 9, characterized in that a solution of benzathine salt in water is obtained1. Соли ингибиторов ACE c N,N'-дибензилэтилендиамином (бензатином) общей формулы:где ACE означает молекулу ингибитора ACE, и данные соли существуют в аморфной и кристаллической формах.2. Бензатиновая соль периндоприла в кристаллической полиморфной форме А со следующей рентгеновской порошковой дифрактограммой:3. Бензатиновая соль периндоприла в кристаллической полиморфной форме В со следующей рен